Eye-opening interview on police encounters & torture. Frmr top cop Prakash Singh

Eye-opening interview on police encounters & torture. Frmr top cop Prakash Singh

14 July 2020

| Enquiry

Headlines fade. Not the problem. The police in India need urgent rescue.

The tragic death of 8 cops. The high-profile Vikas Dubey encounter. The brutal Tuticorin custodial deaths. They are just tip of the rot.

Eye-opening. Thought-provoking. Candid.

PRAKASH SINGH — former DG of UP police and the man who won a landmark judgement — talks about encounters, torture, corruption & communalisation in the police. Things that are going wrong.

And 6 key steps to fix it.

From his takes on Yogi Adityanath, to pressures he has personally faced — he says it as he sees it.

America has had its #BlackLivesMatter movement. How long will India ignore police reform?